MAC Corner: How to Maximize Fiscal Opportunities

In This Article:

[Band] directors are entrusted with thousands of dollars of instruments and equipment, yet along the way, few have ever had a course in business management.

At best, a methods course may have talked about the need to have an instrument inventory or maybe even the importance of creating a budget. But to maximize the fiscal opportunities that exists, we need to understand the process and be sure we have the documents to support our case.

Every [band] program needs to have both an instrument/equipment inventory and a spreadsheet of enrollment projections. These two documents along with your calendar of events and activities for the coming year will help you to create a budget request to submit to your school administration. 

By ​Charles T. Menghini
Excerpt from SBO (School, Band and Orchestra), June 9, 2017, Digital Issue.

Read the complete article to discover the best methods maximize fiscal opportunities.

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