NAMM Foundation Articles & News

  • Grantee Spotlight: Music Haven, Inc.

    Music Haven's mission is to imbed as a professional string quartet in an urban community and contribute to community development goals through performance and music education, empowering young people, their families, and professional musicians. NAMM Foundation funding supports its After-School Lesson program, providing a creative outlet for youth and families who have little or no access to high-quality music education, mostly due to economic circumstances, time and transportation limitations.
  • Grantee Spotlight: Adams County Arts Council

    Adams County Arts Council recieved a 2011 Wanna Play Fund grant to support their piano and piano keyboard instruction program. Incorporated in 1993, the Adams County Arts Council has evolved from a small group of optimistic organizers into a 500-member nonprofit agency supporting artistic efforts throughout the county’s schools and communities.
  • FOCUS ON STUDENTS: Empowering Principals as School Arts Leaders is Key Strategy for Student Success

    To give students the best chance of fulfilling their potential, learning in and through the arts must be part of their education. It has never been more important that schools stand united by this common cause.
  • FOCUS ON ADVOCACY: Wanna Play Music Like Our American Presidents Did?

    Beyond the rigor and relevance of teaching to the national music education standards, the tangible evidence of all that is learned in our classrooms is an incredible tool for showing why music is an interdisciplinary essential in American education. Making connections to 21st Century Skills and Common Core Standards aligns teaching across the curriculum through a musical lens. Finding creative ways to make this evident is key, and involving students in making a Presidential Podcast focused on music is both innovative and fun.
  • FOCUS ON ADVOCACY: Join The SupportMusic Coalition – It’s Good for Business, Builds Community and Helps Protect School Music Programs for Students!

    It’s November and for those of us involved in the education world that generally means a huge sigh of relief. We’ve all made it through another “back to school” season. Back to school time is not just a busy time for teachers, students and parents, but also for those of us on the business side of things who serve education in our businesses.
  • FOCUS ON ADVOCACY: The Power and Influence of Music Parents

    Parents of music students play many important roles. Two parents -- Scott McCormick (CEO of the National Association of Music Parents) and Hiram Jackson (a frequent contributor to the SupportMusic Facebook page) -- offer ways to motivate greater parental involvement. You’ll also find links to helpful books by Dr. John Benham and David Vandewalker, and resources from SupportMusic and NAfME (formerly MENC).
  • FOCUS ON ISSUES & DECISIONMAKING: An Overview of “Tips for Success: A HELPFUL Guide for Instrumental Music Teachers”

    Tips for Success: A Guide for Instrumental Music Teachers (newly revised by the Music Achievement Council) collects invaluable secrets and advice from leading music educators. It helps make music teachers’ jobs easier because it covers many topics neglected in formal teacher education programs.
  • Music Lessons as Child May Keep Aging Minds Sharp

    Learning to play a musical instrument as a child may help keep the mind sharp for years after the last note is played.
  • Childhood Music Lessons Keep Aging Brain In Tune

    A new study finds that older adults with musical experience perform better on some cognitive tests than those who had never studied music. With only 70 participants, the study was small, but the results match those from other studies of challenging tasks, including findings that learning a second language protects against dementia.
  • 2010-2011 Program Grant Recipients

    NAMM Foundation supports innovative community-based music learning programs that allow more people the opportunity to experience the proven benefits of active music making.
